Planeta U2: How it works?

The information displayed in Planeta U2 tries to be the most faithful as possible to the reality, but always, there is some stage, venue or festival that have not been possible to locate.

Do you want to participate in Planeta U2?

  1. If you has been in some of the concerts of U2 shown in this page, you can leave your commentaries, anecdotes, in the corresponding post
  2. If you think that some location is not correctly indicated, and you know the direction, please, tell us and the post will be modified
  3. If you have photos of the concerts: Send us and they will be published in the Web with the corresponding credits.

Thank you very much to participate in Planeta U2!

E-Mail: [email protected]

Thanks to:

All the information compiled in Planeta U2, it could not have been completed without the incredible information of an excellent Web of U2: U2 Rocks!

Also, thanks to Google Maps, an incredible application

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